nordiccontent for a


About us

ACT4 is an Icelandic production company. The four-man-team consists of 4 screenwriters, 3 executive producers, 2 financing producers, 2 lawyers and 1 huge(ly successful) actor. With a superheroic name, ACT4 is focused on producing high-quality Nordic content for a global audience. We believe in nurturing the development process, adept financing and creating an environment where the strongest talents in the world of film and TV can flourish.ACT4 was founded in 2022.

What we do


Numbers based





The entire ACT4 team are experienced screenwriters. Having been through the process of making a seedling of an idea grow into work on the big screen more than a few times, we know that the development process is elemental to the success of any project. That´s why we believe in putting our full support behind our creatives, financially as well as in spirit.

Numbers based

In order for the creative work to make it up on the screen, it has to be accurately financed and produced. We have extensive experience in financing productions. Aside from our in-house jester and party planner, Ólafur Darri, the team is pretty boring and consists of two lawyers and a guy with a business degree. So naturally, all our projects are carefully planned and executed from the earliest stage. That means really good financial planning. We’re proud to say that our spreadsheets have impressed many and therefore spread spreadsheet joy which is an excel-lent joy.


The Icelandic film industry is growing and has an international presence. Iceland may be an island - but no production company is an island. Our ever-growing international network of co-producers and talents is something that we strive to involve in our projects. With Iceland’s 35% rebate on film production, we are in a great position to offer our friends and partners (and those who want to be friends with us) the opportunity to work with us on projects filmed in Iceland.


In the past few years our team members have worked on some of the biggest Icelandic film and TV projects, both on the executive and production level. In these projects, our team members are credited as executive producers, producers, creators, writers, lawyers and actors. Many of these projects have enjoyed international success and been awarded numerous prizes (not that we’re counting, it´s just really nice to get prizes and then pretend that you don´t care. And we don´t. Not really. Prizes are great. ).


A film production is nothing without it´s people (and animals), in front of the camera as well as behind it. We will strive to treat our partners and employees with equality, respect and confidentiality. And the environment. It will be our mission to keep our productions as environmentally friendly as possible. Basically we would like everyone and everything to just get along, but in case that doesn´t work, we will have a plan and act with integrity.

The Team

Hörður Rúnarsson

Executive Producer & Creator

Jónas Margeir Ingólfsson

CEO & Executive Producer

Birkir Blær Ingólfsson

Head of Development

Ólafur Darri Ólafsson

Executive Producer



Top Icelandic Creatives, Including ‘True Detective’ Star Ólafur Darri Ólafsson,

A group of prominent Icelandic creatives, including “True Detective” actor Ólafur Darri Ólafsson and “As Long As We Live” producer Hörður Rúnarsson, have formed a…

Lang­þráður fram­leiðslu­draumur að veru­leika

ACT4 er nýstofnað íslenskt framleiðslufyrirtæki sem hefur tryggt sér fjármögnun frá bæði innlendum og erlendum fjárfestum. Variety greinir frá stofnun fyrirtækisins þar sem greint er frá því…

Stofna ACT4 og ljúka fjármögnun

Nýstofnaða framleiðslufyrirtækið ACT4 hyggst þróa og fjármagna framleiðslu á vönduðu íslensku sjónvarpsefni fyrir alþjóðamarkað.

Kanónur stofna félag um þáttaraðir fyrir alþjóðamarkað

Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Hörður Rúnarsson, Birkir Blær Ingólfsson og Jónas Margeir Ingólfsson hafa stofnað framleiðslufyrirtækið Act 4 með þátttöku alþjóðlegs hóps fjárfesta. Act 4 er…

Ólafur Darri og fé­lagar stofna fram­leiðslu­fyrir­tæki

Nýtt íslenskt framleiðslufyrirtæki sem ætlar sér að þróa og fjármagna framleiðslu á íslensku sjónvarpsefni fyrir alþjóðamarkað hefir tryggt sér fjármögnun innlendra sem erlendra fjárfesta.

Ólafur Darri einn eigenda ACT4

Ný­stofnað kvik­mynda­fram­leiðslu­fyr­ir­tæki, ACT4, hef­ur tryggt sér fjár­mögn­un frá hópi inn­lendra og er­lendra fjár­festa...

„Þetta er eitthvað sem mig hefur dreymt um lengi“

Ólafur Darri Ólafsson leikari er einn fjögurra kvikmyndagerðarmanna sem stendur að framleiðslufyrirtækinu ACT4 sem nú hefur verið komið á fót.

Icelandic Act4 Production outfit led by star actor Ólafur Darri

Co-founding partners and creatives include As Long as We Live producer Hörður Rúnarsson, The Minister’s co-writers Jónas Margeir Ingólfsson and Birkir Blær Ingólfsson.



Upgrade, ACT 4, Drugi Plan join forces for Icelandic-Croatian Volcano

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Upgrade Productions, Iceland’s ACT 4, Croatia’s Drugi Plan partner on ‘Volcano’ series

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Ólafur Darri setur fókusinn á Ísland og eldfjöll í nýjum þáttum

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Ís­land ó­byggi­legt í nýju verk­efni Ólafs Darra og fé­laga

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‘Volcano’ Eco-Thriller Unites L.A.’s Upgrade Productions With Iceland’s Act 4 and Croatia’s Drugi Plan

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Nordisk Film & TV Fond

Icelandic Act4 Production outfit led by star actor Ólafur Darri Ólafsson launches in Göteborg

Co-founding partners and creatives include As Long as We Live producer Hörður Rúnarsson, The Minister’s co-writers Jónas Margeir Ingólfsson

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„Þetta er eitthvað sem mig hefur dreymt um lengi“

Ólafur Darri Ólafsson leikari er einn fjögurra kvikmyndagerðarmanna sem stendur að framleiðslufyrirtækinu ACT4 sem nú

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Ólafur Darri einn eigenda ACT4

Ný­stofnað kvik­mynda­fram­leiðslu­fyr­ir­tæki, ACT4, hef­ur tryggt sér fjár­mögn­un frá hópi inn­lendra og er­lendra fjár­festa…

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Ólafur Darri og fé­lagar stofna fram­leiðslu­fyrir­tæki

Nýtt íslenskt framleiðslufyrirtæki sem ætlar sér að þróa og fjármagna framleiðslu á íslensku sjónvarpsefni fyrir

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Kanónur stofna félag um þáttaraðir fyrir alþjóðamarkað

Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Hörður Rúnarsson, Birkir Blær Ingólfsson og Jónas Margeir Ingólfsson hafa stofnað framleiðslufyrirtækið

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Stofna ACT4 og ljúka fjármögnun

Nýstofnaða framleiðslufyrirtækið ACT4 hyggst þróa og fjármagna framleiðslu á vönduðu íslensku sjónvarpsefni fyrir alþjóðamarkað.

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Lang­þráður fram­leiðslu­draumur að veru­leika

ACT4 er nýstofnað íslenskt framleiðslufyrirtæki sem hefur tryggt sér fjármögnun frá bæði innlendum og erlendum

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Top Icelandic Creatives, Including ‘True Detective’ Star Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Set Up Act 4 to Produce Premium Nordic Drama (EXCLUSIVE)

A group of prominent Icelandic creatives, including “True Detective” actor Ólafur Darri Ólafsson and “As

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